
As an executive and business owner, having Jennifer Justice negotiate for me has been a game-changer. She’s a fierce advocate, always tells it like it is, and ensures I get what I deserve - often more than expected. That’s why I can’t stop recommending her to everyone I know!

Daisy Auger-Dominguez

With JJ's advice and guidance she's given me a new found confidence as a starting entrepreneur.

Krista Carnegie

Jennifer helped me to negotiate one of the most important deals of my career. She pushed me out of my comfort zone with firm guidance and sound logic, with a result that exceeded my expectations.

Amy Nelson

Jennifer is fiercely dedicated to women's success and is steadfast in using her experience, knowledge, expertise and connections to forwarding anyones career or business she decides to stand beside. I am so grateful for her touch, without which we may not exist today. All my major decisions come to a WWJJD (what would JJ do) moment, and when I’ve ignored following her voice and guidance I’ve been sorely disappointed.

Gina Correll Aglietti